As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Calvary Maricopa Young Adults Ministry is a place where men and women aged eighteen to late twenties can find meaningful relationships and the Christian fellowship they desire.
Our vision is that through the teaching of the Word of God we will help young adults grow closer to Jesus, increase their faith in the Lord, and see them become godly men and women filled with the Spirit who are sent out to be leaders that demonstrate our church’s pillars:
Our vision is that through the teaching of the Word of God we will help young adults grow closer to Jesus, increase their faith in the Lord, and see them become godly men and women filled with the Spirit who are sent out to be leaders that demonstrate our church’s pillars:
Face up in worship > Face Down in God's Word > stepping forward in living

Bible study
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm
current series: what the bible says about...
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm | Come and see: A study through the book of Revelation.
242 nights
The last thursday of the month @ 6:30 pm
A time of fellowship and community building. We usually do something fun, eat, spend some time in God's Word, and get to know one another on deeper levels.
Bible study
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm
current series: what the bible says about...
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm | current series: what the bible says about...
242 nights
The last thursday of the month @ 6:30 pm
A time of fellowship and community building. We usually do something fun, eat, spend some time in God's Word, and get to know one another on deeper levels.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ
We want to have a solid understanding of what's coming. The Bible is clear, Jesus is coming back soon. We want to be equipped and know what to look for as that day approaches. So, come and see.
When | Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Where | Pastor Trevor's House (Click Below for Details)
What Do I Need | a bible, a chair, an open heart, maybe a snack
When | Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Where | Pastor Trevor's House (Click Below for Details)
What Do I Need | a bible, a chair, an open heart, maybe a snack
Download "Bible reading tips" below

The Revelation of Jesus Christ
We want to have a solid understanding of what's coming. The Bible is clear, Jesus is coming back soon. We want to be equipped and know what to look for as that day approaches. So, come and see.
When | Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Where | Pastor Trevor's House (Click Below for Details)
What Do I Need | a bible, a chair, an open heart, maybe a snack
When | Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Where | Pastor Trevor's House (Click Below for Details)
What Do I Need | a bible, a chair, an open heart, maybe a snack